Dog Food Additives & Supplements
One of the major threats to a dog's health is poor dental care. Pet Health Market provides you with a vast collection of dog food supplements. Employed as a powder, chew or capsule, these dog supplements add critical nutrients into the body to combat poor oral hygiene or nutritional deficiencies. They can even bolster the cardiovascular system and immune system, along with dental health. If a dog's gums become infected, the disease can travel to other body parts, causing possible illness or further infection. One particular dog food additive, called ProDen PlaqueOff, is a complex mixture of natural ingredients, including seaweed. In a matter of weeks, you should see cleaner teeth with normal, pink gums. Dog plaque supplements keep plaque forming bacteria from building up and attacking tooth enamel. Enjoy Free Shipping on dog supplement orders to the Continental U.S.!