Dog Pain RelieversIt can be difficult to see your dog suffering from chronic pain. This section offers several options for dog pain relief, from canine aspirin to special topical treatments that can offer some respite from pain. Older dogs suffering from arthritis can benefit from our DMSO gels or liquids. These are non-medical grade products that do not require a veterinarian's prescription, but will still offer your pet relief from the painful swelling and tenderness caused by arthritis or trauma. We also carry dog arthritis tablets for larger animals, and Flex 2500 Soft Chews that contain vitamins, minerals, and supplemental nutrients for joint health including MSM and Glucosamine. Canine AspirinIf you're looking for canine aspirin, we carry this product in both powder and tablet form. More skittish dogs might prefer aspirin powder sprinkled on a special food treat, while other animals may accept the administration of an aspirin tablet. Explore this section to learn more about the various dog pain relievers available for your ailing pet.